2017!! A year for the books!

Jan 1, 2018

It seems like forever sense Felicia and I have seen each other!  We blocked off December as a time to be with our families, work and workout. We wanted to really be able to focus on our business and finish all of our editing that we had left for 2017.  The whole moth just felt a bit off.  The Thomas Fire threw a bit of a wrench into the program with the possible evacuation and kids not being able to go to school.  What are you going to do?!  Make Christmas ornaments thats what!! It is almost January and we are finally back at it!

Oh 2017!  Thank you for all the moments, memories, and fun!!   Felicia and I have seen and done so much in just a year!  I have had my second child who is almost one, Felicia has moved several times and found the perfect little place with her boyfriend that is just down the street from one of our favorite coffee places.  If that isn’t a selling point I don’t know what is. We photographed multiple back to back weddings, births, engagements, a 50th anniversary, countless family sessions and so many Moments Matter sessions, that truly bring all the littles moments to life over and over. We couldn’t be more thankful and humbled to be apart of it all.  We are walking away from this year with new friendships and higher goals for the New Year.  Goals that will take us on new adventures and hopefully new destinations.

With all that 2017 had to offer we can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store.  All we can say is… Bring it on!



xoxo….Maddy and Felicia