a wonderful welcome

Aug 19, 2013

ammon and I were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our first child that at the time we were calling yoshi…. we had decided to not find out if we were having a boy or girl, so yoshi is the nickname that stuck…. throughout my pregnancy felicia was our own personal photographer….  when we would be on sessions she would get a photograph of yoshi and i working with a client…. not to mention the 3 maternity session that ammon and i had together…. our final session was just days before yoshi’s arrival…. when i went into labor there were a handful of people that i called to let know that “this is not a drill!” and felicia was one of those people…. she came to the Santa Barbara Birth Center to photograph this life changing event for ammon and i…. she is such a talented photographer and a great friend….  the images that she was able to capture are able to bring me back to the day where our lives changed forever…. there was so much love and support in the room with me and i couldn’t have done it without all of you…. every minute was amazing, painful, but amazing…. thank you feli for making every detail of the day a memory…. you are a wonderful photographer and a better friend…. xoxo…. 

happy birthday to the newest member of the I Heart My Groom team….  Everett Ammon Hunter…. born on july 23,2013 at 3:00am….
