Styled Shoot

Carmel Workshop with Maru

Jul 23, 2018

Every year Felicia and I do at least one workshop and this year Maru Films hosted a workshop in Carmel and we learned SO much  There is something to be said about an in-person workshop where you can all stay in the same place and learn from not just the teachers but also the students.  Maru covered everything from start to finish and no question was too small! 

On the second day of the workshop he invited a couple to the house we were all staying at.  He showed us the ins and outs of filming getting ready, talking about camera setting, and why and how he gets the shots that he gets.  It is a powerful thing to watch another artist work.  It helps to remind you that everyone sees something different in the same story.  

When we left the house we found a cliff that overlooked the coast of Carmel and hiked to the top. The couple was willing to do everything that Remi asked of them and while we watched them all running through a field with Remi completely handheld, we then and there decided to get a new camera! It doesn’t take a lot to sell us on getting new cameras. 

The workshop made us look at things differently and reflect on what story we were there to tell. It also made us buy a new camera and we aren’t mad about it.

xoxo…Your I Heart Girls